Today we published a video about a weird way you can use Stain Fu. Even though Stain Fu was designed for carpet, we like to be creative to see what else can Stain Fu work on.
I like to refer to Stain Fu as my “hot sauce”. Meaning, I put that stuff on everything! Although for me, it’s more like Sriracha (any Sriracha lovers in the house?). But we do use Stain Fu for everything. And for almost every problem. If only Stain Fu could solve other problems for me like congested traffic in the morning or working out, then it would be literally magic in a bottle!
In the video, we show how to use Stain Fu to deodorize shoes. I came across this #StainFuHack when Justin’s shoes were starting to smell. We sprayed some Stain Fu in them to see what happens and much to our surprise the smell actually went away!
We also had smell problems with our Minnetonka slippers because it has suede on the outside with a synthetic fluffy material on the inside. This makes them difficult to clean. We tried the #StainFuhack again and sprayed Stain Fu directly inside the slipper and wiped it down. And just like magic, the smell disappeared!
There are lots of other ways we have used Stain Fu to save us for our other business. One of the most recent was our truckmount blower (for carpet cleaning) was not working . We sprayed some Stain Fu down there, and much to our surprise it started working! It just needed a good ol’ cleaning.
Stain Fu also helped us solve a weird issue with a customer’s shoe-molding turning black after we did some tile cleaning. We sprayed a Stain Fu test spot on it and it started to go away like magic! We learned from our testing that the wood was unfinished and the water caused a weird chemical reaction. Stain Fu was able to help us turn it back to normal.
Other ways I personally use Stain Fu is to clean our granite counter-tops, grimy glass stovetop, ceiling fans, and Bilbo’s food and water dishes, to name a few. It has become my multipurpose cleaner.
What weird (or some may say “creative”) ways have you used Stain Fu for? Let us know in the comments!
(And if you haven’t already, check out our newest video here!: